Thursday, February 1, 2018


Inner Brilliance Chiropractic is Moving!
I am so excited to share this news... It's time for new growth!
My office building (of almost 23 years) was sold last month and the offices are being converted back to residences. This news is bittersweet, as I essentially did a lot of my professional "growing up" here. Certainly it has been a wonderful space to practice and provide care for all of you over the years. I have so many good memories... And, I am definitely ready for something new!

Over the last couple of years, I had been feeling a strong pull to practice in community with other like-minded providers. Also, after over 20 years of having a walking commute to my office since I moved to NE Seattle 2 years ago, I had started driving to the office... I was longing to get back to a walking commute.
Where to?
I am so excited to begin practicing in 2 new locations as of the first week of April. In both cases, I have found fantastic colleagues with whom I will share gorgeous, functional practice space (with easy parking too). I really can't wait to serve all of you with gentle and exceptional chiropractic care in my new locations this spring.
My primary practice will be with Core Chiropractic & Wellnessin the heart of the Lake City neighborhood. I will be at Core on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays! I am so grateful to join a beautiful practice that has such a fabulous, inspiring, and caring team. We will have front desk support for you too! And, yes, I will resume my walking commute! :)
My second location (on Fridays) will be on top of beautiful Queen Anne Hill at The Center for Classical Five Element Acupuncture. It is a lovely, peaceful space that I am so grateful to be able to share with you. It allows me to continue to serve my Queen Anne based clients locally.
More to come...
My current practice location in Lower Queen Anne (Uptown) remains open through the end of March.
All contact information for IBC remains the same for now.
Please note, my office will be closed February 22nd - March 2nd, while I am on yoga retreat.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Additional updates and details will be shared as it all progresses.
And, yes, we will have an Open House event to welcome you to Core Chiropractic... date and time TBA.
With lots of Gratitude, Love, and Light, 
Be well!

-Dr Holly

1 comment:

Dr. Julie Rosenblatt said...

WOW!! Moving, that's great. I loved that office and am so glad you have loved it too for all these years. Best to you in the move.